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News from bands starting with "L"
- Lucifer's Child: 'Lucifer's Child announce their 3rd album 'The Illuminant'' (1/30/2025)
- Loudblast: 'Loudblast return with 'Altering Fates and Destinies' album in October' (7/26/2024)
- Limbonic Art: 'Limbonic Art to return with new album 'Opus Daemoniacal' in June' (4/3/2024)
- Leaves' Eyes: 'Leaves' Eyes release 'In Eternity' music video' (2/23/2024)
- Lilla Veneda: 'Lilla Veneda release 'Biomechanic Algorithm' music video from forthcoming album 'Primordial Movements'' (1/25/2024)
- Leaves' Eyes: 'Leaves' Eyes return with 'Myths of Fate' album in March' (1/18/2024)
- Locked In A Vacancy: 'Locked In A Vacancy release '...Of Church and State' music video' (1/14/2024)
- Legion Of The Damned: 'Legion Of The Damned release third single, 'Contamination'' (6/8/2023)
- Legion Of The Damned: 'Legion Of The Damned to release 'The Poison Chalice' album in May' (3/4/2023)
- Loudness: 'Loudness release 'OEOEO' music video' (7/30/2022)
- Lamb Of God: 'Lamb Of God: new album 'Omens' out in October ' (6/7/2022)
- Lost Society: 'Lost Society's 'If the Sky Came down' album out in September' (5/21/2022)
- Loudness: 'Loudness: latest album 'Sunburst' to get a Worldwide release in July' (5/14/2022)
- Low Gear: 'Low Gear sign with WormHoleDeath Records' (2/21/2022)
- Lawnmower Deth: 'Lawnmower Deth return with a new album 'Blunt Cutters'' (9/22/2021)
- Labyrinth Entrance: 'Labyrinth Entrance: new album 'Deplore the Vanity' out soon' (5/16/2021)
- Lebensnacht: 'Lebensnacht: new album 'The Realm Beyond' out next month' (2/20/2021)
- Lock Up: 'Tomas Lindberg back with Lock Up ' (2/6/2021)
- Lion's Share: 'Lion's Share release 'Aim Higher' single' (10/17/2020)
- Loudblast: 'Loublast to release 'Manifesto' album in November' (10/3/2020)
- Leaves' Eyes: 'Leaves' Eyes release 'Dark Love Empress' single; new album out soon' (8/16/2020)
- Lik: 'Death metallers Lik announce new album 'Misanthropic Breed'' (8/5/2020)
- Lesser Glow: 'Lesser Glow release 'Versterven' music video' (6/27/2020)
- Lychgate: 'Lychgate to release 'Also sprach Futura' EP in March' (1/25/2020)
- Lunarsea: 'Lunarsea return with 'Earthling/Terrestre' album in December' (10/21/2019)