Stardate 02/15/2025 22:40 

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Brain Dead
In the Deep of Vortex (2008)

Reviewed: 4/19/2009

Italian language never ever got me hard. English with huge Italian accent makes me vomit. Therefore this, Brain Dead's debut full length album 'In the Deep of Vortex', is nigh on impossible for me to listen to. The vocalist is trying his best to sound rabid, and manages to do it every now and then, but he can't pronounce a fuck! And the lyrics man... "My eyes watch in the rain to falling down in this shame." What?!?!?! This is too funny, but still I ain't laughing. The vocalist's barking and screams are okay enough, but laughing is just stupid. Maybe he is laughing at the lyrics? Anyone seen that legendary Thor VHS 'Live from London' (1984) and that green-dressed guy Loki on it? Yeah, that's how the laughing here sounds like. The musical bit is better. I believe that these four guys love...

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After All
Dead Loss (2000)

Reviewed: 12/21/2024
Before Belgian band After All started playing thrash metal, they were a rock band. Their third full-...
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Evoking Darkness (2015)

Reviewed: 12/20/2024
Every death metal fanatic must have heard a few of these bands with Stockholm death metal sound (Bos...
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Mastering the Art of Killing (2014)

Reviewed: 12/15/2024
Vomitile is one of the funniest band names I've ever seen. Projectile of vomit, I suppose. This quar...
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Critical Energy (2004) » Honorary Mention «

Reviewed: 12/10/2024
The live release with vocalist Andrew "Mac" McDermott from one of the premiere English progressive m...
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Sepulchral Lacerations (2021)

Reviewed: 12/3/2024
The logo is so goddamn Entombed. The opening melody is so bloody Bolt Thrower that you'll think this...